Saturday, October 16, 2010

Philadelphia Trip September 13 2010

Hi guys!! 

We are in Philadelphia now, pretty excited to see Anna and all my friends.
My mom always gets so nervous when we come here, Grams is just like "stop worrying woman!!"! ( Everything is going to be fine!! ! )  Ha ha I like when grams says silly things like that!  I also love being with moms and grams together it so blessed cute I can barely stand it!  All I really care about is seeing my gal Anna!!  She is my UK BFF and oh my gosh is she beautiful! .  

When we arrive at the Institute I see Ann Ball  who  is in charge of my  respiratory program.    I love all of this attention; "Hello Mr.Rock & how have you been?" I smile and she blows me a kiss!  So I decide then & there I am going to learn to blow a kiss! The whole trip Grams was teaching me how to blow a kiss!  I am going to learn, really.. it's just hard for me.. but I will do this!!!  It's okay in the meantime Grams helps me blow kisses to all and I am loving this so much! 

Kathy was put in charge of my programming this trip and we all really like her, she also is involved at the The Evan Thomas Institute, this is the school at the Institute.